Sunday 5 January 2014

@ADU_Tweets The Untold Story of Unknown Heroes: How ADU’s CSR heroes are changing our world

The Untold Story of Unknown Heroes:
How ADU’s CSR heroes are changing our world

By Mustapha Moufid Mustapha, ADU Alumnus, College of Engineering – Civil Engineering

Years ago sociologists conducted incredible experiments where they left an ‘abandoned baby’ in a public place like a bus station, and secretly recorded the reactions of passers-by. Astonishingly, although a huge group gathered and everyone agreed something should be done to help the baby, each individual eventually continued on their way, assuming that one of the many other people would help. Similarly, when the scenario was changed to a woman being attacked or a man being robed, everyone wanted to help -- but nobody actually did.

That’s what makes ADU's CSR heroes different: while everyone is busy expressing sympathy for people in need, ADU understands that sympathy alone isn’t enough. Actions speak louder than words, so they let their hearts do the talking.      

You never know what you’ve got till it’s gone, and I didn’t fully realize how ADU's CSR was preparing me for the world until I graduated. Now, working as a Project Engineer in Steel Structure Project in Baniyas, I see many companies, including the one I work for, pursuing CSR projects, and suddenly all the exposure I had as a student volunteer clicks into place. From a business perspective, CSR helps companies form stronger bonds with their consumers' communities and also innovate smarter products. For instance a cosmetics company that launched a water conservation project has now been inspired to launch a hair conditioner that uses less water.

ADU CSR campaigns included Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign, Diabetes Awareness Campaign and the Donation for the victims of the Philippine Typhoon. Taking a look at the ADU events calendar showed me that many more campaigns are to come which involve students, staff, faculty and the UAE community.

As ADU celebrates its 10th anniversary with various sustainable projects, I'm proud to see them changing the world, one day at a time. You never fully appreciate your health until you wake up without it. Similarly you never truly appreciate your education until you see the gifted students who have earned scholarships from ADU to chase their dreams. The same applies to our environmental beauty, education, culture and other fields that ADU is passionately uplifting.

While I'm pursuing a rewarding Engineering career, no salary on earth could ever compare to the emotional wealth I earned when I put a smile on the face of an orphan, or when I shared hope with brave cancer and diabetes patients. They thanked me for helping, but I'm the true beneficiary: the more I give, the more I gain. They have given me hope, compassion, wisdom and joy.

The world will judge us not by how we treat our wealthiest members of society, but by how we treat the most vulnerable. Our nation is only as strong as its weakest link.

In movies, usually only superheroes with superpowers can save the world. But ADU volunteers don't need to "fly faster than a speeding bullet"; they simply walk, to raise awareness for various causes. I didn't need to be a "Man of Steel" or "Iron Man"; I simply needed an iron will.

So don't be like those people at the bus stop, gathered around the abandoned baby. If you're wondering who's going to change the world, just look in the mirror...

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