Tuesday 3 September 2013

Diesel's innovative Reboot Campaign @diesel #DIESELREBOOT


This fall, Diesel and Nicola Formichetti are enlisting a new generation of brand ambassadors and fearless fashion leaders under the banner of #DIESELREBOOT.
#DIESELREBOOT is Nicola’s first project as Artistic Director of Diesel: over the past few months Diesel announced its presence on Tumblr in a typically unique way (www.dieselreboot.tumblr.com) gathering a community of fresh and brave creatives both on the platform as well as hosting unprecedented worldwide real-world "tumblr meet-ups". Since then, Diesel has championed the work of these up and coming talents , challenging them with creative missions, and publishing hand picked selections in international media and projections of credited artworks in the largest capital cities in the world.
This innovative approach of celebrating creativity is now the inspiration of FW13 campaign, inviting as the key protagonists some of the carriers of Diesel's DNA primary particles: freedom, originality, and above all, bravery. The cast is composed of 18 diverse characters, spanning from a street-cast Bronx pink-haired graffiti artist (Michelle Calderon) to a hyper famous Japanese actress (Kiko Mizuhara), from the elusive electro-house DJ (Bob Rifo) to the female Olympian turned male super model (Casey Legler). Each person photographed was self-styled in Diesel denim and leather - the brand staples - customized by Nicola Formichetti.
Nicola Formichetti says that "the idea for this campaign was to merge the classic portrait photographic style featuring the new heroes of today's generation: the digital influencers and creators. Visually, I wanted to highlight the individual beauty of our community. It was less about capturing fashion and more about getting an insight into these people's souls."
Diesel's Artistic Director chose photographers Inez and Vinoodh to shoot his first Diesel print campaign for their astute vision of art and fashion’s timeless beauty.
The campaign that embraces a wider creative audience will be brought to life in print, digital and events, all supporting and searching for new talents in brave and unexpected ways.
Celebrate and champion creative spirits: join #DIESELREBOOT

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